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tennis    网球运动
lawn tennis  草地网球运动
grass court  草地网球场
racket    球拍
racket press 球拍夹
gut, string  (球拍的)弦
line ball   触线球
baseline ball 底线球
sideline ball 边线球
straight ball 直线球
down-the-line shot 边线直线球
crosscourt  斜线球
high ball,lob 高球
low ball   低球
long shot   长球
short shot  短球
cut      削球
smash     抽球
jump smash  跃起抽球
spin     旋转球
low drive   抽低球
volley    截击空中球
low volley  低截球
deep ball   深球
heavy ball  重球
net      落网球
flat stroke  平击球
flat drive  平抽球
let      重发球
fluke,set-up,easy 机会球
ground stroke 击触地球
wide     打出边线的球
overhead smash,overhand smash 高球扣杀
game     局
set      盘
fifteen all  一平
thirty all  二平
forty all   三平
deuce     局末平分, 盘末平局
love game   一方得零分的一局
double fault 双误, 两次发球失误
‘not up’  两跳,还击前球着地两次
service line 发球线
fore court  前场
back court  后场
centre mark  中点
server    发球员
receiver   接球员


The Rules Of Tennis

The rules of tennis are quite simple. The game itself is complex.

Rule 1. Opponents stand on opposite sides of the court. The player who delivers the ball to start the point is called the server. The player who stands opposite and cross-court from the server is the receiver.

Rule 2. The right to serve, receive, choose your side, or give the opponent these choices is decided by a toss of a coin or racquet. If the choice of service or receiver is chosen, the opponent chooses which side to start.

Rule 3. The server shall stand behind the baseline on the deuce court within the boundaries of the singles court when playing singles and within the doubles sideline when playing doubles. See court dimensions. All even points are played from the deuce court and odd number points played from the advantage court. The server shall not serve until the receiver is ready. Serves are made from the deuce court to the opponents service box on the deuce court. Advantage court to advantage box. If the server misses his target twice, he loses the point. If the ball hits the net and goes in the correct service box, another serve is granted. If the server steps on the baseline before contact is made, the serve is deemed a fault.

Rule 4. The receiver is deemed ready if an attempt is made to return the server's ball. The receiver can stand where he likes but must let the ball bounce in the service box. If the ball does not land in the service box, it is deemed a fault and a second serve is given. If the ball is hit by either opponent before the ball bounces, the server wins the point.

Rule 5. The server always calls his score first. If the server wins the first point, he gets a score of 15. Scoring is done like a clock. See example below. Love means zero in tennis. The second point is called 30. The third point is called 45 (now-a-days known as 40) and game is won when the score goes back to love. If the score is 40-40, also known as deuce, one side must win by two points. Advantage-In means if the server wins the next point, he wins the game. Advantage-Out means the receiver has a chance to win the game on the next point.

Rule 6. After the game, the opponents serve. Games equal 1. The first to win 6 games, by two, wins the set. The first to win 2 sets wins the match. If the score is 6-6, a tie-breaker is played. This is scored by one's. The first team to score 7 points winning by two wins the set. The tiebreaker continues until one side wins by two. Hence, Game-Set-Match.

Rule 7. If the ball goes into the net, or outside the boundaries of the court, the player who hit that ball loses the point. If the ball hits the net during the point and goes into the opponents court, the ball is in play. A player loses the point if he touches the net, drops his racquet while hitting the ball, bounces the ball over the net, hits a part of the surroundings such as the roof, or a tree, the ball touches him or his partner, he deliberately tries to distract the opponent.

Rule 8. A let is called during the point if a ball rolls on the court or there is a distraction from someone besides the players on the court.

Rule 9. A ball that lands on the line is good.

Rule 10. If players serve out of turn or serve to the wrong person or court, the point or game will stand and order will be resumed following the point or game.




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