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No More Love You


1954年12月25日,Annie Lennox出生于苏格兰的阿伯丁。她父母在Annie三岁的时候,就已发现她身上不凡的音乐潜力。日后的Annie Lennox顺理成章的进入英国伦敦皇家音乐学院学习,主修长笛。但由于家庭原因,Annie未能完成学业。其后他在白天做各种各样的工作,而晚上出去演唱。在70年代末期,Annie透过一个朋友认识了吉他手Dave Stewart。很快Dave就邀请Annie加入自己所组的the Tourists乐队。在the Tourists乐队合作期间,Annie Lennox和Dave Stewart坠入了爱河。1980年,两人离开The tourists,组建了Eurythmics,乐队在整个80年代红遍欧美乐坛,并在1986年获得第29届格莱美最佳摇滚乐队奖。

(图)No More I Love You [Annie Lennox]No More I Love You [Annie Lennox]

1991年,随着Annie的生育,Eurythmics乐队便悄无声息的解散了。之后Annie便忙于自己独奏专辑的发行。1992年5月,Annie 第一张个人LP唱片《Diva》正式发行,同年被著名的《滚石》杂志评为最佳女歌手,并凭借《Diva》获格莱美最佳长篇音乐录像带奖。1995年3 月,Annie的第二张唱片《Medusa》发行,同年凭借《No More "I Love You's》获第38届格莱美最佳流行女歌手奖。1999年,Annie Lennox和Dave Stewart再次以Eurythmics乐队成员的身份出席了全英音乐奖颁奖典礼,并被授予了终身成就奖,以表彰他们多年来对英国音乐所做出的巨大贡献。
2003年6月,已经年近50岁的Annie Lennox推出了个人的最新录音室专辑《Bare》,本张专辑也是她在离开Eurythmics乐队之后所发行的第三张个人专辑。专辑中的所有歌曲均为Annie Lennox自己创作。


I used to be lunatic from the gracious days
I used to be woebegone and so restless nights
My aching heart would bleed for you to see
Oh but now...
(I don't find myself bouncing round whistling and fortunes to make me
No more "I love you's"
The language is leaving me
No more "I love you's"
Changes are shifting outside the word
Lennox Annie
(The lover speaks about the monsters)
I used to have demons in my room at night
Desire,despair,desire,so many monsters
Oh but now...
(I don't find myself bouncing round whistling and fortunes to make me
No more "I love you's"
The language is leaving me
No more "I love you's"
The language is leaving me in silence
No more "I love you's"
Changes are shifting outside the word
They were being really crazy
They were on the come.
And you know what mammy?
Everybody was being really crazy.
Uh huh.
The monsters are crazy.
There are monsters outsides.
No more "I love you's"
The language is leaving me
No more "I love you's"
The language is leaving me in silence
No more "I love you's"
Changes are shifting outside the word
Outside the word


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