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Acceptance of Nomination


(Adlai Stevenson)
Jul. 26, 1952.
Mr. President, ladies and gentlemen of the convention, my fellow citizens, I accept your nomination and your program. I should have preferred to hear those words uttered by a stronger, a wiser a better man than myself, but after listening to the President's speech, I even feel better about myself none of you, my friends, can wholly appreciate what is in my heart. I can only hope that you understand my words, they will be few I have not sought the honor you have done me. I could not seek it because I aspire to another office, which was the full measure of my ambition, and one does not treat the highest office within the gifts of the people of Illinois as an alternative or as a consolation prize. I would not seek your nomination for the Presidency because the burdens of that office stagger the imagination. It's potential for good or evil, now and in the years of our lives, smothers exaltations and converts vanity to prayer.
I've asked the merciful Father, the Father of us all, to let this cup pass on me, but from such dread responsibility one does not shrink in fear, in self interest, or in false humility. So if this cup may not pass from me, I accept, I drink it, I will be done. That my heart has been troubled, that I have not sought this nomination, that I could not seek it in good conscience, that I would not seek it in honest self appraisal, is not to say that I value it the less. Rather it is that I revered the office of the Presidency of the United States. And now my friends that you have made your decision, I will fight to win that office with all my heart and my soul. And with your help, I have no doubt that we will win.
Sacrifice, patience, understanding and implacable purpose may be our lot for years to come. Let's face it, let's talk sense to the American people, let's tell them the truth that there are no gains without pains, that we are now on the eve of great decisions, not easy decisions, like resistance when you are attacked, but a long, patient, costly struggle which alone can assure triumph over the great enemies of man: war, poverty and tyranny and the assaults upon human dignity which are the most previous consequence of each. Let’s tell them that the victory to be won in the twentieth century this portal to the golden age, mocks the pretensions of individuals, of human ingenuity for it is the citadel guarded by thick walls of ignorance and of mistrust which do not fall before the trumpet's blasts, or the politicians' implications, or even the general's batons. Where we have deserted it, we have failed. With your help, there will be no desertion now. Better we lose the election than mislead the people, and better we lose than misgovern the people. Help me to do the job in this autumn of conflict and of campaign, help me to do the job in these years of darkness engulfed in crisis which stretched beyond the horizon of tonight's happy vision, and we will justify our glorious past and the loyalty of silent millions who look to us for compassion, for understanding, and for honest purpose. Thus we will serve our great tradition greatly I ask of you all you have. I will give you all I have.
Even as he who came here tonight and honored me, as he has honored you, the Democratic party by a lifetime of service and bravery that will find him an imperishable page in the history of the Republic and of the Democratic Party President Harry S. Truman. And finally my friends in this staggering task that you have assigned me, I should always try to do justly to love mercy and to walk humbly with my God.



utter adj.全然的, 绝对的 vt.发出, 做声, 发表, 发射, 流通
aspire vi.热望, 立志
burden n.担子, 负担 v.负担
smother v.窒息
exaltation n.提升, 提高, 兴奋, 得意洋洋
merciful adj.仁慈的, 慈悲的
appraisal n.评价, 估价(尤指估价财产,以便征税), 鉴定
tyranny n.暴政, 苛政, 专治
ingenuity n.机灵, 独创性, 精巧, 灵活性
citadel n.根据地, 大本营
baton n.司令棒, 指挥棒, 警棍
deserted adj.荒芜的, 荒废的, 为人所弃的
engulf vt.卷入, 吞没, 狼吞虎咽
glorious adj.光荣的, 显赫的
imperishable adj.不灭的, 不朽的
mercy n.仁慈, 宽恕, 怜悯
humbly adv.谦恭地




Acceptance of Nomination mp3





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