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I/O Devices of Computer输入输出设备(双语解释)

  Keyboard: A keyboard is an input device of a computer. Through a keyboard, English letters, numbers and punctuation can be inputted into the computer, so keyboards can say the words. What’s more, we can input data to the computer via it.
Although different computers have different styles of keyboards, they generally composed of four components: typewriter keys, function keys, control keys, and digital small keyboard.

  A mouse is an input device used most commonly besides keyboard. When you move the mouse, it will transfer the signal to the computer through its tail and tell its moving direction to it. For example, when you move the mouse to the left, the arrowhead on the screen will also move in the direction of the left. In addition, if you take the mouse in the space, the arrowhead on the screen will not move in the same direction, only waiting doubtfully for what you are doing.
Mouse is not only interesting, but also useful. For example, in Windows XP, there are many programs using the “buttons”. When moving the arrowhead on the screen to the graphic with the “button” and pressing the mouse’s left, you will give computer some orders to perform some tasks.
鼠标不但很有趣,也很有用。例如,在Windows XP中,有很多使用“按钮”的程序,当你把屏幕上的箭头移动到画着“按钮”的图形上面并按鼠标左键时,你就向计算机发出完成某些任务的指令。

  Monitor is an important output device of a computer, whose purpose is to display the data in the computer by means of letters and graphics. Its characteristics include fast speed, noiselessness, convenient usage and display multiplicity, etc. its shortcomings are only to look, but not to print out. At present, two types of monitors are available: LCD and CRT.
  Monitor is one part of a video system. In practice, the video system consists of a monitor and a display adapter. The monitor is outside the computer mainframe. On the monitor, there are some knobs which are used to adjust its lightness, contrast, color and the screen’s size and location, etc.

  Printer is another important output device of a computer. In general, after the driver is set, printer will realize the printout with the support of certain software. Therefore, the use of the printer is very simple. At present, the printers used most commonly are wire printers, inkjet printers, and laser printers. 
  Wire printers: Wire printer is also referred to as lattice printer. It carries out printing by styluses on the head of printer through the ribbon, thereby forming some lattices composed of characters and graphics.
  Inkjet printers: Inkjet printer spills the sprinkled ink smudge on the different position of paper, thereby forming various characters and graphics.
  Laser printers: Laser printer’s principle is similar to copycat. However, it does not use the common lamp-house but the laser.

Key words & Expressions:
Punctuation: n.标点符号
Component: n.组成成分
Typewriter: n.打字机
Arrowhead: n.箭头
Adaptor: n.适配器
Lightness: n.亮度
Wire printer: n.针式打印机
Ink-jet printer: n.喷墨打印机
Laser printer: n.激光打印机
Lattice: n.点阵
Ribbon: n.色带
Copycat: n.复印机




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