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BIOS的设置 Setup of BIOS(中英双解)


  BIOS是英文"Basic Input Output System"的缩略语,直译过来后中文名称就是"基本输入输出系统"。它的全称应该是ROM-BIOS,意思是只读存储器基本输入输出系统。它实际上是一组固化到计算机内主板上一个ROM芯片上的程序,它保存着计算机最重要的基本输入输出的程序、系统设置信息、开机上电自检程序和系统启动自举程序。 其主要功能是为计算机提供最底层的、最直接的硬件设置和控制。BIOS设置程序是储存在BIOS芯片中的,只有在开机时才可以进行设置。 

What is BIOS

  BIOS is the abbreviation of basic input output system, which is generally referred to as ROM-BIOS(read only memory-basic input output system). When a computer user is working on a computer, he will contact BOIS.
BIOS plays an important role in computer system. Whether or not the performance of a main board is predominant, to a great extent, lies on the management function of BIOS on the main board.
  In fact, BIOS is a suit of programs which are solidified to computer, and provide for computer the first-degree and direct hardware control. BIOS is a hinge between software programs and hardware devices. Generally speaking, BIOS is a transducer or an interface, which is responsible for solving the hardware’s instant need and executes specific tasks in the light of the software’s request of hardware. 
  BIOS是基本输入输出系统的缩写,通常被称为ROM-BIOS。当计算机用户在使用计算机的时候,将会接触到BOIS. BIOS在计算机系统中扮演着重要的作用。一块主板性能优越与否,主要取决于主板上的BOIS管理功能是否先进。

Setup program of BIOS system

  Configuration record of a microcomputer is set in a piece of read-write chip, CMOS RAM, which mainly saves information such as basic conditions of the system, features of CPU, the floppy or hard disk drives, the monitor and the keyboard and so on. System setup program assembled in ROM chip of BIOS is used to set the various parameters of COMOS ROM. The user can press the “Delete” key after starting computer and then enter the setup state when using the program. If the configuration information of a microcomputer in the RAM chip of CMOS is incorrect, this will lead to the system malfunction.
  微机部件配置记录是放在一块可读写的CMOS RAM芯片中的,主要保存着系统基本情况、CPU特性、软硬盘驱动器、显示器、键盘等信息。在BIOS的ROM芯片中装着系统设置程序,主要用来设置CMOS ROM中的各项参数。当用户使用这个程序时,可以在启动电脑后按下“delete”键进入设置状态。如果在CMOS 的RAM芯片中关于微机的配置信息不正确,那么将导致系统出现故障。

Key words & Expressions:

Solidify: v.固化
Hinge: n.枢纽
Configuration: n.配置
Chip: n.芯片
Parameter: n.参数
Malfunction: n.故障




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