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The Agriculture in Colonial Period


Throughout the colonial period1, most people depended on the land for a livelihood. From New Hampshire to Georgia2, agriculture was the dominant occupation, and what industrial and commercial activity there was revolved almost entirely around materials extracted from the land, the forests, and the ocean. Land was seemingly limitless in extend and, therefore, not highly priced, and almost every colonist wanted to be a landholder.

At the end of the eighteenth century, approximately 90 percent3 of the American people earned a major portion of their living by farming. Generally, high ratios of land and other natural resources to labor generated exceptionally high levels of output per worker4 in the colonies. Most production in the New World5 was for the colonists?own consumption, but sizable proportions of colonial goods and services were produced for commercial exchange. In time, each region became increasingly specialized in the production of particular goods and services. Areas of specialization were largely determined by particular soil types, climate, and natural bounties of the forests and ocean.

In terms of value of output, southern agriculture was dominant throughout the colonial period and well into the nineteenth century. The southern colonies present us a good example of the comparative advantage6 that fertile new land can offer. Almost at the outset, southern colonials grew tobacco that was both cheaper to produce and of better quality than the tobacco grown in most other parts of the world. Later, the South began to produce two other staples, rice and indigo7. For nearly two centuries, the southern economy was to revolve around these few export staples because the region's soil and climate gave the South a pronounced advantage in the cultivation of crops that were in great demand in the populous industrializing areas of Europe. Besides, there was the production of other commodities in the South. Deer-skins and naval stores were exported from the Carolinas, and iron in quantity was shipped from the Chesapeake region. Throughout the South, there was a substantial output of hay8 and animal products and of Indian corn, wheat, and other grains. These items, like a wide variety of fruits and vegetables, were grown mostly to make the agricultural units as sufficient as possible. Yet upland farmers, especially in the Carolina and Virginia, raised livestock for commercial sale and exported meat, either on the hoof or in cured form, in quantity to other colonies. In all the colonies in the South, food for home consumption was a main economic activity.

The middle colonies, the land between the Potomac and the Hudson rivers was, on the whole, fertile and readily tillable and therefore enjoyed a comparative advantage in the production of grains and other foodstuffs. As the seventeenth century elapsed, two distinct types of agricultural operations developed there. To the west of the frontier9, succeeding generations continued to encounter many of the difficulties that have beset the first settlers. The trees in the forest had to be felled to allow for the use of horse-drawn plows. A living had literally to be wrested from the earth. At the same time, a stable and reasonably advanced agriculture began to develop to the east of the frontier. Gradually, a commercial agriculture developed. Wheat became the important staple, and although there was also a considerable output of corn, rye, oats, and barley, the economy of the region was based on the great bread grain. During the latter part of the seventeenth century, a sufficient quantity of wheat and flour was produced to permit the export of these products, particularly to the West Indies10. The kind of agricultural unit that evolved in the middle colonies later became typical of the great food belts of the midwestern United States.

Vital as the agriculture of New England11 was to the people of the area, it constituted a relatively unimportant part of commercial output for sale. Poor soils, uneven terrain, and a severe climate led to typical "subsistence?farming, the growth of only those crops necessary for family maintenance. Because it could be produced almost anywhere and because its yield even on poor land was satisfactory, Indian corn was the chief crop. Wheat and other cereal grains were grown for family use. By the end of the Revolution12, New England was a net importer of food and fiber. Its destiny lay in another kind of economic endeavor, and from a very early date, many New Englanders combined farming with other work, thereby living better lives than they would have had they been confined to the resources of their own farms. Homecraft employments of all varieties were common features of rural life in all the colonies, but especially in New England.






1.colonial period: 殖民地时期(1607-1776),指英国人在新大陆建立第一个永久性英属北美殖民地至成立美利坚合众国这段时期。
2. 英国在北美的13个殖民地就建在阿巴拉契亚山脉与大西洋之间北起新罕布什尔南至佐治亚的狭长地带。
3. 美国农业人口的比例已从最初十七世纪的约90%下降到今天的2%。但农业生产率很高,生产的粮食占世界总产量的14.6%。
4. 殖民地地广人稀,因此以单位劳动力、土地面积及产出计算,生产率很高。
5. the New World: 殖民者称北美殖民地为新大陆,相对于欧洲旧大陆 (the Old World) 而言。
6. comparative advantage: 比较优势。指英国古典经济学家大卫·李嘉图( David Ricardo )提出的国际分工原则:在两国生产力水平不相等时,即使某一国的所有商品的生产成本都低于另一国,这两国仍都可以进行专业性生产,出口其生产成本相对较低的产品,并从国际贸易中获利,而这种比较优势来自较低生产成本。这就是比较利益或比较成本
(comparative cost)。
7. indigo:靛蓝,一种可以做纺织染料的植物。
8. hay:干草在美国是种植最广泛的农作物,主要用来饲养家畜并作为轮种作物保护耕地。
9. 美国的边疆随着殖民拓居活动的扩展而不断向西推进。而最初的13个殖民地所在的狭长地带的边疆即靠近阿巴拉契亚山脉的地区。
10. West Indies: 西印度群岛,为英属殖民地,位于大西洋及其属海墨西哥湾和加勒比海之间。在殖民地时期与新大陆之间海上贸易频繁。
11. New England: 新英格兰,位于美国东北部,包括新罕布什尔、马萨诸塞等,是英国在北美建立最早的殖民定居地的地方。
12. the Revolution: 即The American Revolution (1775-1783) ,美国独立战争。
